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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I was so exhausted I couldn't write more than one sentence yesterday. Had a sore throat from allergies and talking. To bed at 8:30 last night.

Juniors presented song speeches today, and they've been very entertaining. They chose five songs that represent their lives thus far, explained each, then chose one for a personal anthem, which they played or sang for 30 seconds. Had everything from Weird Al to AC/DC to some I've never heard of.

AP student did book talks about the nonfiction book they chose to read this summer. Again, great variety, but the most popular by far was "Tuesday's With Morrie" by Mitch Albom. It IS a good one, and they thoroughly enjoyed it and analyzed the themes and style in good fashion.

Tomorrow: more song speeches and book talks. Gotta get sleep so I can stay awake. A lot harder to listen than it is to teach.


Anonymous said...

"A lot harder to listen than it is to teach." I think there is a lesson in that statement for every teacher ;-)

Sue Kies said...

Thank you.