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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

lunch bunch and videos

Part of the fun of a teacher inservice day is getting an hour for lunch instead of 27 minutes. Today we went to Pizza Hut and caught up with what everybody did over the summer. (Good luck having those twins, Liz!)

Also, cleaning the room is part of the get-back-in-the-saddle ritual. I threw out many VHS cassettes, and I'm officially updating to DVDs and Internet videos. Got to get with this century. For the past three years I've asked for a projector in my room to show student projects, videos, and educational YouTube interviews and such---and I never get one. The young teachers all have them, and I guess they think we seasoned veterans won't use 'em. So, I had a hissy fit in the library, complete with stomping my feet, to show I'm not that old. And---I'm getting one!

You know the old saying about the squeaky wheel?

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