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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Take that! :)

Some people have told me that if I don't like working in the public sector, I should switch to private. Anybody who knows me has heard me say that I LOVE what I do way before this whole attack on public workers. Kay, I have heard you do the same. We have pride in what we do. We provide a service, and we all know that if you want good services you have to pay for them. If you don't like the service, you complain. All this hoo-hah sounds like complaining to me, and it is hard not to take it personally.

I teach and mentor 123 teenagers per day. When they are absent, I get them caught up (whether they were sick or gone on family vacations); when they are having problems, I listen and encourage them to see the counselor; I give out band-aids, even at the high school level; I give career advice and much more. Sometimes I spend my own money on class projects, and this week I spent 15 hours beyond class time grading papers and planning lessons; sometimes it is more than that.

I am NOT complaining but defending what I do because I have been attacked. People wonder why we are rallying? It's because we feel disrespected and blamed for something we did not cause in the first place. Am I perfect at what I do? Absolutely not. Every year I try to get better. I've got my master's and every summer take a class or workshop to try to get better. So, all you critics out there who think I'm an overpaid whiner: if you are so envious of what I do, come do it and stop punching me in the stomach.

It's time to stop attacking each other and work together.

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