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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All the World's a Stage

Love the suggestion from Shakespeare for my Elvis story. Thanks.

Speaking of "All the world's a stage," I bussed on up to Spring Green to the American Players Theater with 50 or so high schoolers and Mrs. C last Friday to see Shakespeare's hillarious, As You Like It.

That "stage" quote is from that play, and oh, how true it is.

'Twas a glorious production, with costumes and music from the '3os and even a performance from Mother Nature mid-show. In the scene where Ganamede is speaking to her cousin about Orlando's love notes she's found dispersed throughout the forest, the wind blew one of the notes from its nail and carried it back and forth, dancing in front of the characters for about 20 seconds or so. She played her part beautifully.

The thing I like most about Shakespeare is the humor, and the APT players know how to ham it up to the hilt. Audrey and Touchstone stole the show with their innuendo and slapstick antics. The crowd of students in the audience seemed to take it in with relish.

And, our PHS seniors conducted themselves like seniors; how awesome!Wait, is Logan a senior? Well, almost all were a delight to chaperone.

About 14 years ago I chaperoned a group of sophomores to see As You Like It. I remember it distinctly. The actress who played Audrey had on a pretty revealing costume, and a student name Logan was rather smitten with her. When we returned from the play and I asked the students how they liked As You Like It, Logan said, "I liked Audrey."

"She was a good actress," I said.

"Yeah, I guess," he said. "But she sure had on a pretty dress."

Of course, the class laughed.

Yes, all the world's a stage, and that includes the classroom.

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