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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

M&Ms, anyone?

One thing most new teachers don't realize is the breadth of their job. Not only do you get to plan lessons, teach, correct papers, manage discipline, communicate with parents, attend meetings, and coach something, but your most demanding job will be as a supply clerk.

Yes, students will request just about every item needed for any school assignment or project: paper, folders, pens, pencils, sharpener, markers, colored pencils, construction paper, poster board, note cards, paper clips, glue, rubber cement, Scotch tape, masking tape, duct tape, stapler, three-hole punch, scissors, Post-its, erasers, paint brushes, etc. Jump drives and DVDs have become a popular request too, especially when a video project is due. Oh, and hats, wigs and costumes are in demand as well. And, let's not forget the extra books because they lost theirs.

Some students pride themselves in being able to successfully complete a day of school and not carry a thing. They walk from class to class, swinging their arms, no backpack, no nothing. And, sympathetic students and well-meaning teachers enable them to mooch.

Mind you, supplies do not only relate to school needs. I have been asked for money,finger nail clippers, nail files, lint rollers, dental floss, tampons, safety pins, band aids, rubbing alcohol, spot remover/ laundry stick, air freshener, cough drops, breath mints, gum, needle and thread, hand sanitizer, hair spray, mirror, tissues, paper towels, and the ever popular: hand lotion. (Note: free hand lotion samples from hotels work perfectly, as they can choose their favorite scent.)

What do they think we are, Wal Marts?

One student wondered if I had a phone charger so he could charge his phone in my room. Yeah, right.

And food. OMG! Whatever you do, don't feed them. Once they find out about your stash of Ritz Crackers, Tootsie Pops, M&Ms or whatever in your desk drawer or filing cabinet, they will stare you down and whine daily like shameless puppies, until you toss them a scrap.

And the best request, yet, though it wasn't for a supply, persay: "Mrs. Kies, can you give me your password so I can get into YouTube and show you and the class a funny video?"

Yes, they will ask for just about anything. So, new teacher, it's up to you to immediately set up the boundaries and decide how willing you are to supply them with things other than knowledge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those youtube videos are very important to our education! duh!